Two people evaluating a car accident

The 7 Most Common Insurance Claims During the Fall

As the leaves turn golden and the weather cools, Autumn brings more than just picturesque landscapes and pumpkin spice lattes. For insurance companies, this time of year also signifies a surge in specific types of claims. By understanding these common issues and taking preventive measures, you can protect yourself and your property during these months. Here are the 7 most common insurance claims and tips on how to avoid them.

Rear-End Collisions

Fall’s wet roads and decreased visibility can make stopping distances longer and increase the likelihood of accidents, especially rear-end collisions. You can avoid fender benders by maintaining a safe following distance. A good rule of thumb is to leave at least four seconds of space between your vehicle and the car in front of you when traveling at 45 mph.

Water Damage

The risk of water damage surges in the Fall due to increased rainfall and the potential for freezing pipes. Rainfall can lead to leaks and flooding, while freezing temperatures may cause pipes to burst. To minimize the risk of water damage, check your home’s exterior for leaks, clean gutters regularly, and insulate exposed pipes.

Home Fires

Fall is notorious for a significant rise in home fires, often linked to candles, cooking, and fireplaces. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, more than 2,500 people lose their lives in house fires each year, with an additional 12,600 being injured. Candles are particularly hazardous if left unattended, and cooking fires can easily escalate if not closely monitored. To reduce the risk, never leave candles burning unsupervised, keep flammable items away from cooking surfaces, and have your fireplace inspected and cleaned regularly.

Vehicle Theft

As the holiday season approaches, shopping malls become prime targets for vehicle theft and break-ins. The period from October to December sees a spike in such incidents due to increased shopping activity. To protect your belongings, always place packages and valuables out of sight, ideally in the trunk. Also, avoid leaving your car unattended with the keys inside or doors unlocked, and park in well-lit areas whenever possible.

Snow, Ice, and Rain Accidents

Even in regions where winter doesn’t bring heavy snow, rain and ice can create hazardous driving conditions. Between October and December, 37% of skidding and snow-related insurance claims occur. To navigate these conditions safely, equip your vehicle with appropriate tires, drive at reduced speeds, and keep a safe distance from other vehicles.

Residential Burglaries

Fall also sees a notable increase in home burglaries, with incidents rising by about 33% compared to other seasons. To safeguard your home, ensure all doors and windows are securely locked, use motion detector lights around your property, and activate your home alarm system.

Accidents Involving Animals

With the arrival of fall, deer and other wildlife become more active, leading to an increase in animal-related accidents. Early mornings and late evenings are particularly risky times. To avoid collisions, stay alert, use high beams when driving in rural areas, and be alert for “Wildlife Crossing” signs. Adjusting your driving habits to the increased likelihood of encountering animals can help prevent accidents.

By staying informed and proactive, you can minimize the risk of fall-related insurance claims and keep yourself, your home, and your vehicle safe during this beautiful yet challenging season.

At Dayton Ritz + Osborne Insurance, we leverage our network of insurers to provide you with outstanding coverage and personalized service. Our goal is to ensure you can fully enjoy the crisp, colorful days of autumn without any worries. Reach out to one of our agents today to address your unique needs and get started.

Dayton Ritz + Osborne Insurance proudly serves the Hamptons area. Call us at 631-324-0420 or visit our website.